2021 Update:  I’ll keep the info here so that you can keep an eye on Moira’s website for future plans:

Register for the Vermont Big Sing!

The Players’ Musicmakers, along with Valley Voices,
will be participating in the inaugural
Vermont Big Sing, happening
Saturday, July 11, 2020 in Middlebury!

Organized by New-Haven born musician/composer Moira Smiley in partnership with Bread Loaf School of English’s Centennial Celebration and presented by Middlebury College, the first ever Vermont Big Sing will bring together singers from all across Vermont for a day of celebratory singing.

•ALL singers of every experience level are welcome at this
community event.

Led by exceptional musical artists of several genres and traditions, participants will sing all together from 12-5pm on July 11 and hold a collaborative concert with those artists the same night.
The music will be sent to participants in April.

Visit www.moirasmiley.com for more information or to register.
Advance registration is required.
Check out the California Big Sing video there.

•Questions? Contact Linnea Wilhjelm & Moira Smiley at vtbigsing@gmail.com

If you are in central Vermont, contact Sue Ribaudo (sue.ribaudo@gmail.com) about a few rehearsals that will be held in Rochester in the spring and summer, dates to be determined.

The VERMONT BIG SING is a grateful recipient of the
ShareYourself/Front Porch Forum Grant